About Us

Ruth Seodi has been teaching children and adults to play the violin for over 20 years. Having studied at Goldsmith's University in London she went on to develop her teaching skills and to date has put over 600 pupils through exams successfully.

For the past 10 years she has also been delivering music workshops to help children with their music theory and learning how to play in a small string ensemble.
In 2009 Ruth was commissioned to write a book for adults who want to take up an instrument, titled:    

"Time To Play A Musical Instrument"

Click on the image to find out more.

Ruth says: "I have always loved teaching the violin - getting to know how each child processes the guidance I give and watching them put it into practice. Some children need more help than others and I guage their learning skills and work at the pupil's own pace.

 It's so important to maintain a good raport with my pupils and give them the encouragement they need to blossom as young competant violinists.

Having taught for so many years and spoken to so many parents I realised that most parents lacked the knowledge and understanding they needed to help their child practice at home between lessons. I would often have parents contacting me to for help and tips at home.

So I decided to make this valuable information available to everyone not just those parents who's children I teach.  
I researched and found that no one else is providing this information in the 'one stop shop' style that I have chosen to use.

So here it is! - all available on my website for you to dip into as you need and also sent to you in a series of short emails which are sequenced in the right way so you can build on what you learn each week and put it into practice with your child at home"

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