Common Music Symbols

Common Music Symbols

This section is all about the music symbols on your child's violin music which haven't been covered so far. 

You will have seen letters, arrow type signs, curved lines and plenty more. Rather than list them all out I have put them into a down load. Just click on the image below to view the download.
Print it off if you can and keep it somewhere visible in the practice area as your child may want to refer to it regularly.
Firstly you need to know that many of the musical instructions are taken from Italian words.  

Often only the first letter of the Italian word is used so it's important to know the full Italian word and it's English meaning. All the instructions to do with louds and softs - commonly known as Dynamics - are from Italian words.

You might like to watch the two funny videos with your child which demonstrate some of the most common and basic dynamics.
These abbreviations and meanings are expected to be known as part of the graded music exams. There is an element within the music exams where the examiner plays something on the piano and asks questions about the piece. Your child should draw on his/her knowledge of these Italian terms to answer some of the questions. 

Once your child has reached exam standard and begins taking music exams he/she will need to focus not just on playing the right notes and rhythms but on musicality. Musical interpretation is important and understanding the various additional symbols on the page become more and more of a requirement.

It might be worth investing in a small music dictionary for your child. It's useful to keep in the practice area and will encourage your child to look things up for him/herself.
  • Most instructions are first letter abbreviations from italian words
  • These instructions usually tell you about speed changes and changes in loud/soft
  • Your child will need to know these well leading up to exam preparation
  • Print the download off and keep it in the practice area

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